Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Assignment - Newsletter

Create six pages in In design for your newsletter.

You may choose any subject that interests you.

The following features should be used to enhance your project:

Text wrap

Four to five images

Two different Pantone colors

Numbering of pages

Two Master Pages

At least one frame used around one image

Two to three different fonts used – create style sheets for them

Due date will be May 3 – no exceptions/I will not accept any late assignments. Be prepared to explain what features you used to create your project.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Composite Assignment

 Composite photoshop image:  Scan in three separate images into a photoshop document and combine them so they look like one original photograph.  A viewer should not be able to tell where you combined the three different images. Pay attention to each selection and make sure the lighting, color temperature and perspective reflects your intended composition. 

Refer to Alvin’s composite photo on his website for how your final project should look.

This project is due beginning of class Wednesday